We at “SYMA” SYMA remember the patronage that you made last year also towards Educational Aid. To those of you new – established in 1977, SYMA has been carrying out social welfare activities in a small but meaningful way over the past 3 decades. We are fortunate enough to have dedicated volunteers and empathetic patrons.
From a modest beginning to whatever we are today, we owe everything to the patrons / philanthropists who have motivated, guided & helped us in rendering service. We are today here, only because of support and motivation of people, who have all helped and steered us towards this direction. Being a responsible Social Service Organisation, we conduct health camps, Cleaning campaigns, Eye camps, Blood donation camps throughout the year and address civic issues by taking them with appropriate Govt. Departments and coordinating the activities.
Our main focus is on :
1) Medical Centre and Laboratory run for the poor wherein free consultation and medicines are provided at a measly Rs.2/- per visit. This year we served 7500 Patients at our Medical Centre and around 2300 benefitted at our Diagnostic lab.
2) To provide quality education to those who could ill-afford, we launched our own Tuition centre “SYMA Growth”. This year, around 150 students [10th and +2] benefitted by learning at our tuition centre – SYMA Growth.
At SYMA Growth, we conduct daily classes for the 10th & +2 students i.e., those appearing for Public Examinations. Education is imparted through qualified professional teachers and personal care is taken for each student. It is totally free for the student, whilst we pay a nominal amount to the teachers and incur expenses for the infrastructure including current and maintenance. We have a dedicated coordinator also. Most of the students are from very poor strata – some parents are daily wage earners, who would never be able to access quality education due to the prohibitive costs.
Every year, in June, we provide new uniforms to poor students. Last year around 1200 students received uniforms from us. In the Educational Aid Programme, we besides uniform, distribute financial assistance to some students, honour the school toppers of all the schools in Triplicane.
Those who apply for uniforms is increasing year after year. It is a hard truth that there are many school children who manage with just one set of uniform throughout the year, that too hard to come by. We strongly believe that we can make some difference to the way these unfortunate children attend their school. This year we plan to provide Uniforms to 1500 students for which we have evolved systems to ensure that the benefits reach properly.
For doing all these, We are constantly on the look out for sponsors. We look forward to your participation in any measure. We know well, that most of you are involved in social work & have been making donations (many in a much larger scale). Still we look forward to you for some little contribution that can really make a difference to the society at large.
Per day expenses for Medical Centre – Rs. 1000/-
Sponsorship per student for the year – Rs. 5000/-
Cheques can be drawn in the name of “SRINIVAS YOUNGMENS ASSOCIATION” payable at Chennai. Together we will continue to strive for the betterment of Society.
Please also find our account details for fund transfer.
Punjab National Bank
A/c No. 0346002100024570
Triplicane Branch, Singarachari St. Triplicane, Chennai – 600 005.
RTGS/NEFT IFS Code : PUNB0034600 MICR Code : 600024015